Have spent the past days trying to sort out everything for the big move, but I can't help wondering whether it will actually happen. First try visa application, resulting in a refusal of entry. The next one needs to be accepted or its another year, pottering around at home, not achieving all that much! Three weeks until I know for sure, Here's hoping!
Aside from this worrying, things have been working out quite well, everything else is sorted, plane tickets are booked and my new life is finally starting to get organised! For the first time in well, forever, my electronic calender has a use, and is filled up with all the events and lectures and welcome events for September. All that's left now is to find a job, because otherwise I can kiss a social life goodbye. One can't "party" in the absence of a little cash now can they?
Is it normal to be FREAKING out? As much as I am excited, this whole "living on my own" thing is new to me. I fear my survival! At least I have people only a half hour train journey away who I can run to and curl into a little ball in the corner of their room and cry. It's always nice to know you have that :D